There is so much beauty all around us, 2 days ago, I was leaving for work, dreading my day, when I looked at the garden, full of colour and newness, as I got into my car, My son sent me a gift from afar, one of his butterflies, he fluttered past me and was flying around quite confused in our porch, I helped him to get back outside, at the cost of me not being in work 20 minutes earlier, the little precious visitor was safely rescued, he sat on my hand for ages and posed for photographs, it literally made my day, and you know what? I can still feel it on my hand :)
"what is this life if full of care, we have no time to stand and stare"
Rush rush rush, STOP!!!!!! The world is going so fast I might just get flung off the edge.
So, I've done a couple of my arty things this week, unable to share until after an event next week, but I will do, ones a card, ones a piece of jewellery.
I'm not sure what I am doing with this blog to be honest, perhaps its part of me finding myself, thanks very much to my lovely friend LS, who is much more than just a colleague to me :), yep, you rock :D and thank you for your patience xx
I'm also trying to sort my mobile to allow me to blog on the go with my photos of randomness!!
So, the name might change, it might not, it might be interesting, it might not. But you can bet your bottom dollar, it will be random, because I try to be, I would rather have bubbles than be a mouse who doesnt want to be heard.
much love xxxxxxxx ^j^