Friday, 8 July 2011

Lets talk about socks

Well, I have made quite a few sock creatures of late, ranging guinea pigs, to ickle baby fish made from Joe's socks, as well as baby sock monkeys made from baby socks, here they are below: 
Made from new baby socks

Also made from Joe's socks
Stripy is made from Joes baby socks
 he is special
hugs :)

One of these has gone to Ireland to
Joes friend Oja, also in heaven x

Wednesday, 6 July 2011


I was going to say that I wasnt doing too bad at keeping you up to date with my bits and pieces lately, however, I have just found this post in the "drafts" section, which would explain my silence, sorries :P

I am currently between jobs and therefore not quite so tired out of an evening after the days activities have wound down.

Before I left my job, I started playing with some kits in an evening of stressedoutness, and here are the results :)

Home Made Decopauge

For this one, I used a picture of a cow and printed it several times, printed it onto card and then built it up in the usual way, turned out quite cute. I have a long flower punch which also looked quite funky along the edge. Again, I have used the sparkly glitter glue for added prettyness.

Wedding Renewal Card

I made this card for a friend who was renewing her wedding vows, the Oak tree is a stamp, and I used some sparkly glue to create the effect of light and the magic on the trunk as well as on the punched hearts which are representative of her family, with mummy and daddy being at the top of the tree. I was quite pleased at how well it turned out. 

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Craft fayre of wonderment

In April, I went to a craft fayre and met with my lovely friend from Carlisas crafts, Dorset. We had a great day and I was quite well behaved actually with what I bought, henceforth, photographic evidence, oh by the way, the furry guy is Maurice, from Canada :) 
Canadian Maurice
This is just half of it

My New Stamp
My Haul, I was good

Oh dear got some catching up to do

Tadaaaa :)