Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Totoro The Second

Hi, I know it has been a while, I have been working on a secret mission for several weeks.

So, after the success of my first Totoro beanbag, and my sister's demands for one at the time, I decided, and planned secretly through the year, to make one for her Christmas gift, but in my infinite wisdom, I decided that to pimp an already grey beanbag, would be easier, fail.
But after a lot of chapped thumbs, sweat, swearing, and some tears, I managed success, he ended up being more of a pouffee seat, than a beanbag, as I couldn't get him to sit right, but he looks a lot better as he turned out, it was meant to be. I used a cream fleece to make the fluffy tummy, and some offcuts of grey fleece left over from Totoro one. The ears were genius, You know the handle you get on the top of a beanbag? I unpicked it and cut it in half, sewed the ends, and stuffed it.
I used some grey child's jogging bottoms purchased from Asda for his arms, already the right size and shape, I only needed to sew the end, and stuff with pillow stuffing.
The rest of him is filled with beanbag beans, polystyrene balls, which were filled with static annoyingness, they would literally run away from the vacuum cleaner, and even cheekily jumped onto the top of the vacuum cleaner when I was trying to vacuum them up. 

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